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12 Days of Christmas Kindness

It’s been a topsy turvy couple of years, and I’m yet to meet someone who hasn’t felt the pressure at some point during the past two years. Our country feels divided. People are stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, and angry.

The best antidote I know of to all those emotions are kindness and gratitude. So we've decided to spend the first 12 days of December doing random acts of kindness. We'd love you to join us. 

Now we’ve all heard inspiring stories of incredible generosity and selflessness particularly around Christmas. But it’s not always possible for us to volunteer to serve lunch at the City Mission, throw a party for the whole neighbourhood or buy Christmas gifts for an entire family.

The good news is that small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Not just to the recipients but also to you, the giver.

We’ve put together a list of small acts of kindness that are quick and easy to do. They don’t involve loads of planning, preparation, or cost. But they will definitely brighten the lives of people around you, and bring both you and the recipient plenty of joy.

Quick and easy random acts of Christmas Kindness

  • Support a charity you really believe in – almost all charities have online giving, or you can go to The Good to donate to a wide variety of NZ charities
  • Give a (sincere) compliment someone you don’t know.
  • Reconnect with a loved one/friend you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Pay for someone’s coffee
  • Donate Christmas treats to your local food bank – Foodbanks get funding for essentials but rely on treats being gifted
  • Help a busy parent in the supermarket (or anywhere else!)
  • Leave a positive review for a small business
  • Leave $5 & a note in an envelope for someone to find
  • Give your postie or a courier a packet of Mallowpuffs with the note "you’ve done enough for a Mallowpuff"
  • Let the person behind you have the parking spot you’ve both been waiting for
  • Top up an expired parking meter or tape some coins to a parking meter
  • Tell someone why they matter
  • For one day include praise or a compliment in every email you send
  • Reconnect with an old boss or colleague and tell them what you appreciate about them
  • Tell a parent that they are doing a great job
  • Write a note telling someone why you are grateful for them
  • Offer to take someone’s supermarket trolley back to the shop
  • Be kind to the planet and pick up some rubbish today
  • Have a conversation with a stranger
  • Buy a present for a child in need and donate at one of the gifting trees
  • Drop some flowers off at a rest home or hospital and ask the nurses/receptionist to give it to someone who needs it

Our 12 Days of Christmas Kindness will be kicking off on 1 December. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @trioaccountingnz to see what we’re up to. And we’d love to hear what you’re doing too! Simply use the hashtag #12DaysofChristmasKindnessNZ or tag us in your posts.