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Dream Big. We'll be your safety net

Accounting services, & business coaching for women

Do you wish your business could give you more?

You’re in business because you love what you do and you’re good at it. You want a great life and to make a difference in the world. But you’re tired of feeling torn between your business and your family. 

It’s not just about money. You want your business to provide enough for you to have the freedom and flexibility to live the way YOU want. 

So, where do you start? You start by getting more from your accountant. 

We provide accounting, business advice and coaching, helping women in business feel confident about their numbers and achieve financial success. 

“I have not felt this sort of clarity about what I want, where I am going and how I will get there with my business for a longggg time. Watch out world!” 

Two people looking over documents together.

We make business finances easy

Are your finances making you anxious? Do you want to get more out of your business but don’t know how?

At Trio, we do more than tax. We demystify the jargon, help you understand the numbers and work alongside you to help you make smarter business decisions. 

You’ll get financial advice and coaching tailored to you, so you will be more confident in running your business, have more money to do what you want, and have more time to do it. 

An image of Leanne one of Trio's happy clients.

“I finally feel like I'm with an accountant who can help me understand my numbers, explain things in a way that makes sense to me, and help me start getting some good systems in place. It means so much to me.” 


Get more from your accountant

Advice, expertise and guidance exactly where you need it

Whether you’re looking for reassurance that you’ve got the basics right or want your numbers to work better, we’re here to give you the support you need to grow and thrive.

Our three-phased approach will help you achieve success.

Phase 1. Begin

For new and newly established businesses. We provide clarity and reassurance – helping you with your accounts, payroll, GST, IRD and tax planning. 

Phase 2. Grow

For established businesses looking for a partner to provide insight, accountability, and encouragement. We provide coaching & mentoring to help you grow your business sustainably.  

Phase 3. Thrive

For businesses wanting to strengthen and improve profitability and cash flow. We provide profit & cash-flow coaching to help you get more out of your business, achieve your financial goals, and thrive. 

Get free advice

Helpful tips to give you peace of mind and support your business growth.

Why accountants charge so much and what you can do about it

“Please charge me more in accounting fees” said no business owner ever. In fact you only have to belong to a couple of business oriented Facebook Groups to see posts from people querying orRead more

New GST rules for the “Platform Economy”

Anyone who provides accommodation through an online marketplace in New Zealand, such as Airbnb or Bookabach, will be affected by new Goods and Services Tax (GST) changes starting from April 1,Read more

How To Change Accountants: Why It’s OK And What To Expect

New to business or wanting more from your current accountant?   It IS possible to switch.   The thing is, you are the boss of your own business. You get to choose who you want to engage as aRead more

How does Provisional Tax Work?

When you’re a business owner, all of a sudden income tax gets messy. Taxes are pretty straight forward when you’re an employee: You are paid a salary or an hourly rate.Tax gets calculated basedRead more

How to navigate an economic downturn

There’s no escaping the fact that today’s economic climate is difficult for small businesses. Several years of disruption thanks to the pandemic followed by high inflation means that as a smallRead more

From Depreciation To Gross Profit: Accounting Jargon Interpreted

Do you speak accounting?   Accounting jargon is a language all of its own! And it doesn’t help that there are multiple names for the same things.   If you haven’t learned to speak theRead more

End Of Financial Year – Here’s What You Need To Know

If only the end of the financial year was as fun as the end of the calendar year! But alas, for many business owners, the approaching financial year’s end is anything but a party. As 31st MarchRead more

Looking after your finances is good for your mental health

Good mental health is important to any business owner. It keeps you grounded, stops you from being overwhelmed and keeps the stress levels at a minimum. We all know the basic principles ofRead more

Planning And Goals Setting For Success

Have you got your business goals for the new year all mapped out? If not, you could find yourself lost in the woods as the months go by. Let’s face it, not having a destination in mind may be a gRead more

12 Days of Christmas Kindness

It’s been a topsy turvy couple of years, and I’m yet to meet someone who hasn’t felt the pressure at some point during the past two years. Our country feels divided. People are stressed,Read more

The Scary Times Cashflow Guide - Managing Cashflow In Difficult Times

When you started your business, I’m sure you knew it wouldn’t be an easy journey. You were aware that storms are a part of life and were prepared to tackle whatever life threw your way. But evenRead more

Why Do You Need To Know Your Numbers?

“Seemingly small decisions left unchecked over time can take you off track and possibly over the edge.” I love this quote from entrepreneur James Ashford. It really highlights the importance ofRead more

Do you wish you had a safety net?

Take the first step towards financial flexibility and freedom