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8 Alternatives to Discounting

If you're feeling the pressure to offer discounts, you're not alone. Maybe your business desperately needs the cash to survive and you feel like there are no other options. Maybe you feel like it’s expected because ‘everyone’ around you has a sale on. Or maybe you are worried that if you don’t offer a discount you’ll be perceived as heartless or money-grabbing. "What kind of discount should I offer" is one of the most frequent questions I'm being asked at the moment and there isn't a r...

May 12, 2020

3 critical factors in managing your team remotely

Managing a remote team is quite different to managing a team in an office, especially if your team is not used to working remotely. With so many small businesses planning on enabling remote working in response to Covid 19, I thought I’d share some of my experiences leading a team where remote working and flexi hours are part of the company’s DNA....

March 18, 2020

Covid-19... how we can help you

I've been speaking to lots of groups over the past few days and sharing practical tips on how to manage in the incredibly challenging and rapidly evolving situation we find ourselves in.  Difficult as things are, there are always options. Out of adversity comes opportunity...  not to profiteer, but to be creative, innovative, pivot, evolve, create new products or services, and to build customer loyalty through continuing to deliver value and great service. ...

March 17, 2020

Managing your mindset in a crisis

When a crisis hits, our bodies automatically go into fight, flight or freeze mode. Which is great if you're being chased by a hungry lion but it's not overly helpful right now - even if it is a totally normal and understandable response to our current situation.  As we navigate the fear and uncertainty in today's rapidly changing and unpredictable environment we have a phenomenally powerful resource at our disposal... our mind. Why? Because our thoughts have a direct impact o...

March 16, 2020 Posts 26-29 of 29 | Page prev